
Why Do People’s Weight Change?

In a diverse and dynamic world, people’s weight often undergoes fluctuations due to various factors. Weight change is a complex issue, influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors, and should not be reduced to mere aesthetics. Talking about someone’s weight should always be done in a respectful and mindful manner as this is a sensitive topic that many find difficult to openly talk about.

The propensity for weight control in an individual is strongly influenced by genetics. It’s possible that some individuals’ genetic make-up makes it simpler for them to gain or lose weight. This underlines how crucial it is to recognize and respect the variety of body types and sizes. 

The environment can have a big impact on weight, including socioeconomic position, access to wholesome food, and cultural norms. Moreover, lifestyle choices, like diet and physical activity, contribute significantly to weight changes. However, it is essential to remember that not everyone has equal access to tools that support a healthy weight.

genetic testing for weight loss

Nature or Nurture: Factors at Play in Weight Change

The ongoing debate surrounding weight change often centers on the age-old question of “nature vs. nurture.” Are genetic predispositions the primary driver of weight fluctuations, or does the environment and lifestyle of an individual have a more significant impact? Let’s delve into the intricate interplay between genetics, environmental influences, and personal choices that shape the ever-evolving landscape of a person’s body weight. 

Genetic Factors in Weight Change

Genetic variants or polymorphisms are specific alterations in DNA that can influence a person’s body weight and how it changes over time. Understanding these genetic markers can provide valuable insights into the hereditary factors behind weight fluctuations and potentially pave the way for more personalized approaches to weight management.

FTO Gene

The FTO gene is one of the most well-studied genetic markers related to weight change. Variants of this gene have been linked to an increased risk of obesity and greater difficulty in maintaining a healthy weight. Individuals with specific FTO variants may find it more challenging to control their appetite and regulate their food intake.

MC4R Gene

Another genetic marker connected to weight gain is the melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) gene. The brain’s ability to regulate appetite can be interfered with by mutations or variations in this gene, which can result in overeating and consequent weight gain. The MC4R gene is an important target for weight management research because it regulates energy balance in a significant way.

LEP and LEPR Genes

The LEP gene produces leptin, sometimes known as the “satiety hormone,” while the LEPR gene codes for the leptin receptor. Leptin aids in regulating hunger and energy usage. People who have these gene mutations may have reduced leptin levels or defective leptin receptor activity, which increases their susceptibility to weight fluctuations.

APOA2 Gene

The lipid metabolism and digestion of dietary fat are associated with the APOA2 gene. A person’s reaction to dietary fat intake can be impacted by variations in this gene, which may result in weight fluctuations. Some variations can make a person more susceptible to the amount of dietary fat in their diet.


The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPARG) gene is important for the growth of fat cells and for the metabolism of glucose. This gene’s variations may affect a person’s susceptibility to weight change as well as how their body stores and consumes fat.

ADRB2 Gene

The beta-2 adrenergic receptor (ADRB2) gene is involved in regulating the body’s response to stress and exercise. Genetic variants in this gene may impact an individual’s ability to lose weight through physical activity, as it can affect their body’s response to exercise.

FADS1 Gene

Genes called FADS1 and FADS2 are linked to a condition called metabolic syndrome (MetS). MetS is a condition where you are prone to high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and other health issues. FADS genes help human bodies make special types of fats. In one study, people who had certain versions of the FADS1 and FADS2 genes had different levels of fats in their blood. They also had a higher risk of MetS. However, it was also found that if you eat the right kind of fats, it might help protect you from this condition. 


MTNR1B gene and its interaction with other genes and diet could affect how well people lose weight when they’re on a diet. Women with a certain gene variant, SNP rs10830963, and genotype CG or GG didn’t lose as much weight as those with the genotype CC. Other genes such as FTO and MC4R also played a role in how this gene (MTNR1B) affected weight loss in everyone. Eating excess protein from either plant or animal sources may make it harder to lose weight if a person has the CG or GG gene type.


Studies found a connection between two types of DNA changes and weight loss. The DNA changes featured both sequence variation, or an SNP, near the INSIG2 gene, as well as global DNA methylation.

Studying both the genetic (sequence) and epigenetic (methylation) DNA changes might help experts create better-personalized weight loss plans. These plans could make it easier for people to stick to their diet and have better results when treating obesity. Using genetic and epigenetic information to design weight loss programs might lead to more effective treatments.

Other Genetic Markers

LifeDNA’s Weight Change Report also includes SNPs rs6548238 (TMEM18), rs7498665 (SH2B1), rs10838738 (MTCH2), rs11084753 (KCTD15), rs2419621 (ACSL5), and rs7903146 (TCF7L2).

An individual’s weight is not solely determined by these or any other genetic markers. To collectively impact weight fluctuations, genetics interact with a variety of environmental factors, including nutrition, physical activity, and socioeconomic circumstances. Additionally, lifestyle changes like food choices and exercise can support a healthier weight and lessen the consequences of these genetic markers.

Understanding these genetic markers lays the groundwork for more specialized weight-management strategies. Individuals and healthcare professionals can develop techniques that are more successful at maintaining a healthy weight by understanding their genetic predispositions. As genetics is only one component of the intricate picture of weight fluctuation, it is crucial to treat these facts with tact and empathy.

Non-Genetic Factors in Weight Change

Non-genetic factors which include influences on a person’s way of life, environment, and behavior, frequently have a significant impact on their weight. Anyone wishing to properly manage their weight and make decisions for their health must be aware of these non-genetic aspects.

Diet and Nutrition

One of the most influential non-genetic factors in weight change is diet. The types of foods consumed, portion sizes, and dietary patterns can directly impact a person’s weight. A diet high in calories, processed foods, and added sugars can lead to upward weight change, while a balanced, nutrient-rich diet can help maintain a healthy weight. Adopting a diet that suits individual needs and preferences is a key strategy for weight management.

Medications and Health Conditions

Certain medications and medical conditions can cause weight gain or make weight loss more challenging. It’s essential to consider these factors when addressing weight change. Some medications, including certain antidepressants, steroids, and antipsychotics, are known to cause weight gain as a side effect. Others, like stimulants and some diabetes medications, may lead to weight loss. Additionally, various health conditions, such as hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and hormonal imbalances, can influence body weight.

The mechanisms through which medications and health conditions affect weight can vary. Some medications can increase appetite, alter metabolism, or lead to fluid retention, while underlying health conditions may disrupt hormonal balance, affecting the body’s ability to regulate weight. 

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is a fundamental factor in weight change. A sedentary lifestyle can contribute to undesired weight changes, while engaging in consistent exercise helps burn calories and build lean muscle, promoting weight maintenance. The type and intensity of physical activity can be tailored to an individual’s preferences and physical condition.

Stress and Emotional Well-being

Emotional and psychological factors can significantly impact weight. Stress and emotional eating often lead to overconsumption of high-calorie foods, resulting in weight fluctuations. Strategies to manage stress, such as mindfulness and stress-reduction techniques, can be invaluable for maintaining a healthy weight.

Sleep Patterns

Quality and quantity of sleep play a vital role in weight regulation. Poor sleep can disrupt hormonal balance, leading to appetite and weight changes. Ensuring adequate and restful sleep is an essential non-genetic factor for weight management.

Socio-Economic Status

Socio-economic factors can impact an individual’s access to healthy food options and opportunities for physical activity. Lower-income communities may face challenges in accessing affordable nutritious foods and safe spaces for exercise, potentially contributing to weight-related issues.

Environmental Factors

A person’s physical environment can also affect their weight. Access to green spaces, walkable neighborhoods, and healthy food options can promote an active and balanced lifestyle. Conversely, environments that lack these resources may hinder weight management efforts.

Lifestyle Changes

Major life events, such as pregnancy, marriage, or career transitions, can impact an individual’s weight. Understanding how these changes affect lifestyle and adapting accordingly can help prevent unwanted weight gain.

Non-genetic factors are often intertwined. For instance, stress can lead to emotional eating, which, in turn, affects diet and weight. Recognizing these connections can help individuals develop holistic strategies for weight management that address multiple non-genetic factors simultaneously. 

Successful weight management involves a combination of genetic awareness and proactive efforts to address non-genetic factors. By focusing on a balanced diet, regular physical activity, emotional well-being, and creating an environment conducive to health, individuals can take charge of their weight and improve their overall quality of life. Ultimately, it’s the interplay between genetics and non-genetic factors that shapes our unique weight journey.

How Does Your Metabolic Rate Affect Weight Change?

A key factor in weight fluctuation is metabolic rate or your metabolism. It’s the process your body uses to transform the food and liquids you consume into energy, which is then used to fuel a variety of biological processes. 

  1. Caloric Expenditure: Your metabolic rate determines the number of calories your body burns at rest, known as basal metabolic rate (BMR). BMR is responsible for the majority of the calories you burn each day. If your BMR is high, you’ll burn more calories even when you’re not active, making it easier to maintain or lose weight.
  2. Energy Balance: Weight change is fundamentally about energy balance. If you consume more calories than you burn, you’ll gain weight. Conversely, if you burn more calories than you consume, you’ll lose weight. Your metabolic rate is a key factor in this equation.
  3. Muscle Mass: Muscle tissue requires more energy (calories) to maintain than fat. Therefore, individuals with a higher proportion of muscle tend to have a higher BMR, which can aid in weight management. Strength training and resistance exercises can help increase muscle mass and, consequently, metabolic rate.
  4. Aging: Metabolic rate tends to decrease with age, which can make it easier to gain weight and more challenging to lose it. However, this age-related decline can be countered through regular physical activity and maintaining muscle mass.

Weight Management Tips

Weight management treatments encompass a variety of strategies and approaches designed to help individuals achieve and maintain a healthy weight. These treatments take into account factors such as diet, physical activity, behavior modification, and medical interventions. 

Dietary Changes

  • Calorie Control: Monitoring and controlling daily calorie intake is a fundamental aspect of weight management. Reducing or adding to calorie consumption can create a caloric deficit or surplus, leading to weight loss or gain.
  • Balanced Diet: Emphasizing a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats can provide essential nutrients while aiding weight control.
  • Portion Control: Managing portion sizes can help prevent overeating or undereating, promoting healthy weight maintenance.
  • Meal Planning: Structured meal plans and regular eating schedules can assist in controlling caloric intake and managing hunger.

Physical Activity

  • Regular Exercise: Incorporating regular physical activity into one’s routine is crucial for weight management. Aerobic exercises, strength training, and flexibility exercises contribute to overall health and calorie expenditure.
  • Lifestyle Activity: Simple changes like taking the stairs, walking instead of driving, and standing more can help burn additional calories and build more muscle mass.

Behavioral Modification

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT can help individuals identify and change unhealthy eating behaviors and thought patterns, promoting long-term weight management.
  • Mindful Eating: Practicing mindful eating involves being fully present during meals, paying attention to hunger cues, and savoring food, which can lead to better control over eating.

Support and Counseling

  • Support Groups: Joining a support group or working with a counselor can provide emotional support and motivation for individuals on their weight management journey.
  • Nutritional Counseling: Registered dietitians or nutritionists can offer personalized guidance on dietary choices and meal planning.
  • Physical Activity Coaching: Working with a fitness trainer can help individuals design effective exercise programs.

Medical Interventions

  • Prescription Medications: In some cases, healthcare providers may prescribe medications to manage weight-related health conditions. They may also treat underlying medical conditions contributing to extreme or sudden weight changes. Medications should always be used under medical supervision.

Weight Tracking Apps and Technology

  • Mobile Apps: There are numerous apps that assist with calorie tracking, exercise planning, and monitoring progress.
  • Wearable Devices: Fitness trackers and smartwatches can help individuals stay active and monitor their daily physical activity.

Mind-Body and Holistic Practices

  • Yoga: Yoga not only enhances flexibility and strength but can also promote mindfulness, helping individuals manage stress and emotional eating.
  • Meditation: Mindfulness meditation can support weight management by reducing stress and promoting self-awareness.
  • Acupuncture: Some individuals explore acupuncture as an alternative treatment for weight management, with the idea that it can affect appetite and metabolism.

Effective weight management frequently entails a combination of these therapies, adapted to a person’s particular goals, preferences, and health situation. To develop a thorough and long-lasting weight control plan, it is advised to speak with a healthcare professional or certified dietitian. Keeping a long-term emphasis on general health and well-being is also essential for effective weight management.

Personalized Weight Management with LifeDNA

One-size-fits-all diets are a fad. A tailored weight management plan is the key to effective and long-term results. LifeDNA leverages cutting-edge genetic insights to tailor a program just for you. We analyze your DNA to understand if you have genetic factors that influence weight changes, and how your body processes food and reacts to exercise and other environmental factors.

With LifeDNA’s Weight Change Report, you’ll get a custom nutrition plan that matches your genetic profile, targeted exercise recommendations to maximize results, as well as insights into how your genes affect your metabolism. We also offer you ongoing support and updates as your body’s needs change. Don’t settle for generic weight management. 

Check out these related traits reports and your potential genetic dispositions: Weight Loss and Exercise, Hunger, Satiety, and Appetite, just a few to mention among the many traits we have studied that are related to a healthy body weight and composition. 

Choose the power of personalization with LifeDNA, and unlock the path to your healthiest, happiest self. Embrace your DNA, and start your LifeDNA journey today.


  • Weight change is an important and complicated issue that is influenced by a number of hereditary, environmental, and lifestyle factors and should not be boiled down to simple aesthetics. 
  • Understanding the hereditary elements that influence weight change can help shed light on the causes of weight fluctuations and open the door to more specialized methods of weight management.
  • Non-genetic elements, such as a person’s environment, behavior, and way of life frequently have a considerable influence on their weight. 
  • Weight change may be directly influenced by metabolism. Your BMR or basal metabolic rate is responsible for the majority of the calories you burn each day. If your BMR is high, you’ll burn more calories even when you’re not moving about and the opposite is true if your BMR is slow.
  • Various tactics and methods are used in weight management to assist people in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.


*Understanding your genetics can offer valuable insights into your well-being, but it is not deterministic. Your traits can be influenced by the complex interplay involving nature, lifestyle, family history, and others.

Our reports have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The contents on our website and our reports are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to diagnose any medical condition, replace the advice of a healthcare professional, or provide any medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Consult with a healthcare professional before making any major lifestyle changes or if you have any other concerns about your results. The testimonials featured may have used more than one LifeDNA or LifeDNA vendors’ product or reports.